Pacific Islands Association of Libraries, Archives, and Museums (PIALA)
The mission of PIALA is to enhance the quality of leadership in order to support and strengthen libraries, archives, and museums across the Pacific Islands
WHEREAS, the Hawaii Library Association is a chapter of the American Library Association; and
WHEREAS, in February 1998 the American Library Association Barbara Ford called on chapters of the American Library Association to form partnerships with international library associations as part of the American Library Association’s “Global Reach, Local Touch” theme; and
WHEREAS, the Hawaii Library Association and the Pacific Islands Association of Libraries and Archives are both located in the Pacific and share common concerns; and
WHEREAS, Hawaii Library Association Vice President/President-Elect Ruth Horie, with the assistance of Arlene Cohen of PIALA, proposed to the respective Executive Boards of the Hawaii Library Association and the Pacific Islands Association of Libraries and Archives that an international partnership be established to exchange newsletters, discuss common issues, share ideas and expertise, attend each other’s conferences and link homepages; and
WHEREAS, the respective Executive Boards of the Hawaii Library Association and the Pacific Islands Association of Libraries and Archives have approved the establishment of an international partnership between the two Associations; and
WHEREAS, the Hawaii Library Association has informed the American Library Association that an international partnership with the Pacific Islands Association of Libraries and Archives has been established; and
WHEREAS, the Hawaii Library Association has supported its Vice President/President-Elect, Ruth Horie, to attend the 1998 annual conference of the Pacific Islands Association of Libraries and Archives as a gesture of goodwill;
THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the international partnership between the Hawaii Library Association and the Pacific Islands Association of Archives be officially recognized; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that copies of this resolution be provided to the Pacific Islands Association of Libraries and Archives and the American Library Association and that the resolution be read at the annual conference of the Pacific Islands Association of Libraries and Archives on November 18-19, 1998 at Tofol, Kosrae, Federated States of Micronesia; and also at the annual conference of the Hawaii Library Association on November 22, 1998 at Honolulu, Hawaii, United States of America.
PASSED ON THIS 2nd day of November, 1998 at the monthly meeting of the Executive Board of the Hawaii Library Association, at Honolulu, Hawaii, United States of America.
Helen Wong Smith, President