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Revisions passed, 11/2016



The name of this organization shall be the Pacific Islands Association of Libraries, Archives, and Museums (PIALA).




A.      The purposes of this organization shall be:

1.         to foster awareness and encourage cooperation and resource sharing among the librarians, archivists, and related

            institutional personnel of the Pacific Islands;

2.         to promote knowledge of the functions, resources, services, and needs of regional collections;

3.         to develop and promote programs for the extension and improvement of library, archival, museum, and related

            services in the region;

4.         to provide a forum for discussing issues of interest to librarians, archivists, museum curators and related \


5.         to provide a vehicle for the exchange of ideas and information among librarians, archivists, museum curators,

            and related personnel; and

6.         to offer continuing education experiences to librarians, archivists, museum curators, and related personnel.


B.      The definition of the following terms shall stand throughout the By-laws:


"Location" refers to one of the following entities:  Republic of the Marshall Islands, Federated States of Micronesia, Republic of Belau, Territory of Guam, Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, or any other political entity that might be added in the future.


For purposes of Board membership, the states of Kosrae, Yap, Chuuk, and Pohnpei shall also be considered location.




A.     There shall be two categories of membership: institutional and personal.

1.         Institutional membership is open to all agencies, corporations, organizations, and the like that support or are in

            sympathy with the purposes and programs of PIALA.      

2.         Individual membership is open to all individual persons who support or are in sympathy with the purposes and

            programs of PIALA.




A.      Institutional members in good standing shall each be entitled to one vote, to be cast by the head of the institution or  

          by  a representative so designated by the head of the institution, in writing.


B.      Individual members in good standing shall be entitled to one vote.


C.      Votes may be cast by proxy.  Proxy votes shall be considered the same as in-person votes.


D.      All changes to the By-laws and election of officers shall be done at the annual membership meeting.

1.         A majority of those present and voting is necessary to elect officers.

2.         A two-thirds majority of those present and voting is necessary to amend the By-laws.


E.      A member shall be deemed "in good standing" if his/her dues are paid.




A.     The officers of this organization shall be president, vice-president, secretary,  treasurer,

1.         All officers of the association shall be elected under the provisions outlined in Article IV.

2.         Officers shall serve a term including two consecutive conferences.

3.         Officers may serve more than one term.

4.         Individual members and individuals affiliated with institutions that are members may serve as officers.

5.         The Vice President and Treasurer shall be elected in even-numbered years; and the President and Secretary shall 

            be elected in odd-numbered years.

6.         The term of office shall begin immediately upon the conclusion of the annual conference.


B.   Past President

1.         The Past President shall hold office, on an ex-officio basis, for a term of two years from the date of the Annual

            Meeting of the Members of the Association at which the successor president is elected. Past president shall have

            no voting privileges.


C.  President - Duties

1.         The president shall preside at all meetings, and be the spokesperson for the association.

2.         The president shall propose an annual budget to the Executive Board at its first quarterly meeting, based upon

            anticipated revenues and available resources.

3.         The president shall approve all expenditures.  The president may delegate this approval authority to a designated

            Board Member.

4.         The president shall be an ex-officio member of all committees.


D.   Vice-President

1.         The vice-president shall serve and perform all the duties of the president and shall have all powers of the

            president during such absence or inability of the president to serve.

2.         The vice-president shall also perform such duties and exercise such powers as the President may from time to

            time delegate or that the Board may prescribe.


E.      Secretary

1.         The secretary shall be responsible for the minutes of all meetings and for maintaining the official records and

            reports of the association, the Executive Board, and the officers.

2.         This office shall also be responsible for maintenance of the mailing list.


F.         Treasurer

1.         The treasurer shall maintain the financial records of the association in auditable form, and present a financial

            report at the Board quarterly and regular meetings.

2.         The treasurer shall be responsible for the collection of dues, and for maintaining the official list of members in

            good standing.

3.         The treasurer shall prepare checks in an appropriate amount upon the written instruction of the president or the

            designated Board Member.

4.         The treasurer shall be responsible for the safekeeping of the checkbook, savings and/or checking account.




A.      The Executive Board shall consist of the officers, shall represent all locations, and have no fewer than eight members. 

          Locations not represented by officers shall elect a representative to serve on the Executive Board or appoint the

          president of the local association as the representative of their island entity  There cannot be more than two officers

          from any one location.  Individual members and individuals affiliated with institutions that are members may serve as

          Location Representatives.


B.       The Executive Board shall approve the budget at its first quarterly meeting by a majority of those officers present and



C.       Unbudgeted capital expenditures may be approved on a case by case basis by a majority vote of the Executive Board

           so long as the expenditure does not exceed the unobligated funds available.


D.       The Executive Board shall have the authority to appoint standing and ad-hoc committees consistent with the purposes

          of this association.


E.        Meeting of the Executive Board shall be held at least quarterly and can be conducted via telecommunications.


F.        A majority of the membership of the executive board shall constitute a quorum.


G.       In case of an officer vacancy, the Executive Board has the power to appoint an interim officer to serve the remainder of

           the term of that office.  In terms of eligibility, this appointment must be consistent with the By-Laws.




A.       The association shall hold at least one general membership meeting annually for the purpose of carrying out its

           business, and fulfilling its purposes as stated in Article II.


B.       The annual membership meeting shall be held in the last quarter of the calendar year.  The place may rotate among all

           locations.  Members shall be given written notice of the meeting at least one month prior to the date of the meeting.


C.       A quorum for the transaction of business at any general meeting shall consist of a majority of the membership present.




A.       Every withdrawal transactions shall be signed by the treasurer and the president or in the absence of either signatories,

           the Vice-President.


B.       The change of signatories shall be conducted no later than three weeks after the general election.




A.        Individual membership dues shall be $20.00 per year.


B.        Institutional membership shall be $50.00 per year.


C.        Dues shall be payable annually, preferably before but no later than the annual membership meeting.


D.        Dues may be adjusted upon the approval of a 2/3 majority of the membership present and voting at the annual membership meeting.




Amendments to these by-laws may be made at any annual meeting of the general membership by a two-thirds vote of those members present and voting.




Robert's Rules of Order, revised, when not in conflict with these By-laws, shall govern the proceedings of this organization.

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