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Message from PIALA President, Erlinda C. Naputi

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Dear PIALA Family and Friends,

Hafa Adai and Welcome!


PIALA exists because of you! 

I am honored and humbled to serve as President for Pacific Islands Association of Archives, Libraries, and Museums (PIALA).  

PIALA is committed to providing you with information and resources to help you become an even better advocate.  We will work together to continue to foster awareness and encourage cooperation and resource sharing among the librarians, archivists, and related institutional personnel of the Pacific Islands. We are a group of volunteers with different skills and level of expertise which can help us to identify and address community needs.  Our organization gets stronger with each person's experience.  Together we can make positive changes every day.  

Established in 1991, the Pacific Islands Association of Libraries, Archives, and Museums (PIALA) is a regional association committed to fostering awareness and encouraging cooperation and resource sharing among libraries, archives, museums, and related institutions of the Pacific Islands.

“A library outranks any other one thing a community can do to benefit its people. It is a never failing spring in the desert.” 
― Andrew Carnegie


Erlinda C. Naputi

PIALA President

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